Code of Fundraising Practice
Charity Hive are proud to be registered and part of the Fundraising Regulator. The Code of Fundraising Practice sets the standards that apply to fundraising carried out by all charitable institutions and third party fundraisers in the UK. Charity Hive are committed to good fundraising in line with the Code of Fundraising Practice in a way that is legal, open, honest and respectful.
The code aims to:
- promote a consistent, high standard of fundraising;
- make sure charitable institutions, their governing bodies and fundraisers know what is expected of them;
- set out the standards we use when considering complaints;
- provide a benchmark for organisations and fundraisers to assess their practices against so they can identify necessary training and monitor and set policy priorities for their fundraising; and
- develop a culture of honesty, openness and respect between fundraisers and the public.